
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Time Event  
09:00 - 09:30 Welcome reception - Welcome reception  
09:30 - 10:15 Invited conference  
09:30 - 10:15 › Fluid deposition and spreading on topography - Anne Juel, University of Manchester
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10:15 - 10:55 Drops, bubbles, etc ...  
10:15 - 10:35 › Interface assembly of microcapsules via liquid-liquid droplets templates - Kaili Xie, Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres, Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés - Clement de Loubens, Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés (LRP)
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10:35 - 10:55 › Dynamics of a 2D droplet in a Hele-Shaw cell - Benjamin Reichert, Gulliver
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10:55 - 11:25 Coffee break  
11:25 - 12:05 Microfabrication  
11:25 - 11:45 › Cleaning Surfaces from Nanoparticles with Polymer Film: Impact of Polymer Removal Conditions - adeline Lallart, Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique [Saint Martin d'Hères], STMicroelectronics
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11:45 - 12:05 › 2.5D Nanofluidics: Grayscale Laser Lithography and Two Phase Flow in Non-Uniform Depth Nanochannels - Antoine Naillon, LAAS-CNRS, Institut de mécanique des fluides de Toulouse, Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés
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12:05 - 12:30 Poster flash presentations  
12:05 - 12:06 › The microfluidic laboratory at the Synchrotron SOLEIL - Tiphaine Mateo, Synchrotron SOLEIL - Benedikt Lassalle, Synchrotron SOLEIL
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12:06 - 12:08 › Self-similar relaxation of a confined non-wetting droplet - Margaux Kerdraon, MMN, Gulliver
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12:08 - 12:09 › The sliding walls: a new toolbox for manually-operated microfluidic - Bastien Venzac, Institut Curie
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12:09 - 12:11 › Transport of emulsions in heterogeneous environment - Marine LE BLAY, Laboratoire de Physique de lÉNS Lyon
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12:11 - 12:12 › Adsorption-Induced Slip Inhibition for Polymer Melts on Ideal Substrates - Joshua McGraw, Département de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure
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12:12 - 12:14 › Dynamical study of confined bubbles in cylindrical capillary tubes submitted to a Marangoni stress - Alexandre Mansur, Gulliver, ESPCI ParisTech
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12:14 - 12:15 › Soap films for gas separation - Celine Hadji, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique [Saint Martin d'Hères]
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12:15 - 12:17 › Fabrication of clamped-clamped microbeams with embedded nanochannels towards nanoparticles sensing - Davide Scaiola, DISAT - Politecnico di Torino, EPFL-STI-IMT-LMIS4
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12:17 - 12:18 › Liquid phase exfoliation of graphene in hydrocavitating labs-on-a-chip - Xiaoyu Qiu, LEGI
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12:18 - 12:20 › Transport of nano-objects in narrow channels: influence of Brownian diffusion, confinement and particle nature - Olivier Liot, Institut Lumière Matière
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12:20 - 12:21 › Ultrasound transmission through microfluidics-generated liquid foams - Lorène Champougny, Gulliver
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12:21 - 12:23 › Using Microfluidic as a Tool for Biological Macromolecular Serial Crystallography on a Synchrotron Beamline : Proxima-1 - Igor Chaussavoine, Proxima-1 Synchrotron SOLEIL
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12:23 - 12:24 › Self-cleaning slippery infused surfaces for dairy processing - vincent Thomy, Institut d'électronique, de microélectronique et de nanotechnologie, University of Lille Nord de France, Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
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12:24 - 12:26 › Laboratoire sur puce pour la détection d'événements cellulaires rares - Anne-Marie Gué, Laboratoire dánalyse et dárchitecture des systèmes [Toulouse]
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12:26 - 12:28 › Bottom-up assembly of cells in flow with dielectrophoresis - Jonathan Cottet, Laboratoire de Microsystèmes 4 (LMIS4), Laboratoire Ampère (Ampère)
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12:30 - 14:30 Lunch & posters  
14:30 - 15:15 Invited conference  
14:30 - 15:15 › The Physics and Engineering of Active Matter - Roberto Di Leonardo, Dipartimento di Fisica [Roma La Sapienza]
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15:15 - 15:55 Drops, bubbles, etc ...  
15:15 - 15:35 › Dynamics of fibers transported in confined viscous flow - Jean Cappello, Physique et mécanique des milieux hétérogenes
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15:35 - 15:55 › Deformability-based (micro)fluidic sorting - Anne Le Goff, Biomécanique et Bioingénierie
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15:55 - 16:25 Coffee break  
16:25 - 17:45 Nanofluidic  
16:25 - 16:45 › Direct measurement of liquid flow rate up to picoliter per minute - Preeti Sharma, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique [Saint Martin d'Hères]
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16:45 - 17:05 › Active sieving : from flapping nano-doors to vibrating nanotubes - Sophie Marbach, Ecole Normale Supérieure
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17:05 - 17:25 › Thermo-osmosis: is it possible to desalinate water using thermal gradients? - Li FU, Institut Lumière Matière
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17:25 - 17:45 › Viscosity of supercooled water and two-state interpretation of water anomalies - Bruno Issenmann, Institut Lumière Matière - Université Lyon 1
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19:30 - 23:00 Dinner  

Friday, March 16, 2018

Time Event  
09:10 - 09:55 Invited conference  
09:10 - 09:55 › From microfluidic technology to organ-on-a-chip platfroms: new opportunities to develop physiologically relevant in vitro models - Séverine Le Gac, University of Twente
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09:55 - 10:55 Lab On Chip  
09:55 - 10:15 › Development of a microfluidic biomimetic device for triple negative breast cancer stem cells extravasation studies - Anthony TREIZEBRE, Institut d'Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie (IEMN) - UMR 8520
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10:15 - 10:35 › Microfluidic platform to restore the angiogenic balance in preeclampsia - Lucile Alexandre, Institut Pierre-Gilles de Gennes pour la Microfluidique, Sorbonne Universités, Institut Curie
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10:35 - 10:55 › Microbes under pressure - Morgan Delarue, Laboratoire dánalyse et dárchitecture des systèmes [Toulouse]
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10:55 - 11:25 Coffee break  
11:25 - 12:05 Lab On Chip  
11:25 - 11:45 › On-chip Flow Cell Sorting System Based on High frequency Dielectrophoresis implemented on CMOS technology - Arnaud Pothier, XLIM
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11:45 - 12:05 › Simple optimization of single-level particle trapping flow-through microfluidic devices using oblique hydrodynamic flow - Jacques FATTACCIOLI, Département de Chimie
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12:05 - 12:30 Poster flash presentations  
12:05 - 12:06 › Monolithic fabrication of glass suspended microchannel resonator for enhanced biosensing application - Roberta Calmo, Politecnico di Torino [Torino]
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12:06 - 12:08 › Fluid-particle coupling induced micro-magnetic trapping of highly diffusive magnetic nano-particles - Mario Fratzl, Institut Néel, Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble
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12:08 - 12:09 › Production of biosourced foams by microchannels at high throughput - Julian Sepulveda, Université de Nantes
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12:09 - 12:11 › Utilizing a Molecular Program for the Hypersensitive Detection of Nucleic Acids - Roberta Menezes, Université Paris Descartes & ESPCI ParisTech
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12:11 - 12:12 › Active matter in complex media - Marvin Brun-Cosme-Bruny, Marvin Brun-Cosme-Bruny
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12:12 - 12:14 › In-situ photo-patterning of pressure-resistant hydrogel membranes with controlled permeabilities in PEGDA microfluidic channels - Camille KEITA, CNRS-SOLVAY
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12:14 - 12:15 › Portable microfluidics based on hyperelastic materials
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12:15 - 12:17 › Biomimetic Capture of Odorant Molecules in a Microfluidic Device - Ezgi TULUKCUOGLU GUNERI, CEA LETI MlNATEC Campus, Univ. Grenoble F-38054 Grenoble, France
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12:17 - 12:18 › Microfluidic standardization: a status - Nicolas Verplanck, CEA-LETI
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12:18 - 12:20 › Microfluidic devices and systems for bio-mimic stem cell processing - Yong Chen, Ecole normale supérieure
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12:20 - 12:21 › Microcapsule fabrication by membrane emulsification - Mehdi Maleki, MALEKI Mehdi
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12:21 - 12:23 › Drying of a water-filled channel within an artificial leaf
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12:23 - 12:24 › Dropbox : an "off-the-shelf" microfluidic device for monodisperse emulsification based on a 3D-printed nozzle injector - Adrien Dewandre, Université Libre de Bruxelles [Bruxelles]
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12:24 - 12:26 › Light propelled thermocapillary vessel - Cyril Picard, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique [Saint Martin d'Hères]
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12:30 - 14:30 Lunch & posters  
14:30 - 16:10 Drops, bubbles, etc ...  
14:30 - 14:50 › Experimental study on acetone vapor as the tracer molecule for molecular tagging thermometry in gas microflows - Varun Yeachana, Institut Clément Ader (ICA), Université de Toulouse, CNRS, INSA, ISAE-SUPAERO, Mines-Albi, UPS, Toulouse France
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14:50 - 15:10 › Dynamics and dissolution of bubbles in microchannels - Javier Rivero-Rodriguez, Transferts, Interfaces et Procédés - Physique des fluides, Université Libre de Bruxelles
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15:10 - 15:30 › Cavitating flow in microchannels : thermal effects and chemiluminescence. - Damien Colombet, Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels
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15:30 - 15:50 › Study of flow properties of foam in model porous media - Alexis Mauray, Laboratoire Rhéologie et Procédés
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15:50 - 16:10 › Whispering gallery mode yields intense acoustic streaming in sessile droplets - Antoine Riaud, Institut d'électronique, de microélectronique et de nanotechnologie, Institut des Nanosciences de Paris
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